For Professionals
Q: What is the commitment level for professionals who are part of the network?
A: Commitment level differs depending on the specific research and/or
training activities you signed up for. Please find more information about
specific AC programmes on our website. Be assured that you are not obligated
to participate in any of our programmes.
Q: I am a professional who is not working in the autism field. Can I still join the professionals network and participate in the programmes?
A: Rest assured that not all programmes conducted by AC require prior
expertise in the autism field. Professionals who wish to learn more about
autism are welcome to participate in training programmes. However, certain
programmes may require participants to be equipped with certain knowledge
and experience. To find out if the specific programmes are suitable for
you, please refer to the eligibility criteria of the programme before registering
your interest. Alternatively, you may join our professionals network and
we will contact you when there are programmes you are eligible for.
Q: How many years of experience in the ASD field is required for me to participate in the programmes?
A: There is a wide variety of programmes that are available to professionals
of differing expertise. Please refer to the eligibility criteria of each
programme before registering your interest. If you are unsure of your eligibility
for a particular research and/or training programme, you may send in an
enquiry with us here.
Q: How can AC support my research work?
A: If you intend to conduct or are already conducting research about autism,
please write in to us so that we may support you according to your study's
needs. We may help with participant recruitment or raising awareness about
your study. If you are keen, we may also provide mentorship and guidance
where appropriate.